Pääsiäisen moovssit
Oikein hyvää pääsiäislomaa! Vielä on pari päivää jäljellä.
Koska tänään ei ole Lielahden koululla kuntotanssia tai kahvakuulaa, voi tästä videosta bongata itselleen vaikka pari verryttelyliikettä vapaapäivän ratoksi ja mennä tuonne ulos aurinkoon hyppimään. Olehyvä: Tiputanssi feat. oliot
Video: Insaneworks.fi & LiikeImpulssi
Marco Antonio - Sigue Mi Gente
SubSonic - DJ Souchy Feat. LIL JON
Hazardous - Light
Jeffrey Philip Nelson - Seventeen
Attribution (BY): You can copy, distribute, display, perform and remix this work as long as you credit the artist’s name. It means that you can use the song for anything, as long as you mention the name of the author of the song in the description or credits.
Non Derivative (ND): You can only copy, distribute or perform verbatim copies of this work but you are not allowed to remix or modify this work. It means that you can’t use the song in a video or for any derivative work, like a remix for example.
Share Alike (SA): You can distribute the whole work or the derivative work by re-using the same license. This means that if you use this work on a video or in a remix, you must distribute your own work under the same CC license as the song itself.
Non Commercial (NC): You may copy, distribute, display, perform or remix this work, but for non-commercial purposes only. For example, you can’t use this work to do a monetized video on Youtube or in a video which is promoting or advertizing something. However, if the video is not for profit or monetized (if it's your personal holiday video, for example) you can use it.
Koska tänään ei ole Lielahden koululla kuntotanssia tai kahvakuulaa, voi tästä videosta bongata itselleen vaikka pari verryttelyliikettä vapaapäivän ratoksi ja mennä tuonne ulos aurinkoon hyppimään. Olehyvä: Tiputanssi feat. oliot
Video: Insaneworks.fi & LiikeImpulssi
Marco Antonio - Sigue Mi Gente
SubSonic - DJ Souchy Feat. LIL JON
Hazardous - Light
Jeffrey Philip Nelson - Seventeen
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Attribution (BY): You can copy, distribute, display, perform and remix this work as long as you credit the artist’s name. It means that you can use the song for anything, as long as you mention the name of the author of the song in the description or credits.
Non Derivative (ND): You can only copy, distribute or perform verbatim copies of this work but you are not allowed to remix or modify this work. It means that you can’t use the song in a video or for any derivative work, like a remix for example.
Share Alike (SA): You can distribute the whole work or the derivative work by re-using the same license. This means that if you use this work on a video or in a remix, you must distribute your own work under the same CC license as the song itself.
Non Commercial (NC): You may copy, distribute, display, perform or remix this work, but for non-commercial purposes only. For example, you can’t use this work to do a monetized video on Youtube or in a video which is promoting or advertizing something. However, if the video is not for profit or monetized (if it's your personal holiday video, for example) you can use it.
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